
Your podcast content should not be about you, but about solving your prospects' problems.

Steve Lubetkin

Looking to book me as a Host or Presenter for your event? It's kinda my thing. I love Speaking in front of large crowds and Hosting small intimate events. Check out some of the past events and future ones, or reach out for a new collaboration.

Freddie Kimmel, the Beautifully Broken World.



In 2022, an estimated 1.9 million new cancer cases are expected to be diagnosed. As a cancer survivor, our focus remains on exploring innovative treatments, sharing inspiration and spotlighting cutting-edge technologies that may enhance quality of life.

Wellness Technology

For fifteen years, I've pursued cutting-edge technologies to enhance our quality of life. From The energetic to the quantum realm including Ozone therapy, Red Light Panels, Pulsed Electromagnetic Field generators, lymphatic drainage, and more!

Thought Leaders

Explore visionary thought leaders reshaping the wellness landscapeā€”a new generation of medical doctors, biological medicine practitioners, breathworkers, and healers driving advancements with life-saving potential and holistic well-being impact

Lyme Disease

America's fastest-growing vector-borne illness, sees over 329,000 new cases in the US annually. My journey started in 2001 with severe Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, eventually linked to Lyme disease. Youā€™ll discover many episodes to support others dealing with Lyme.

Survivor Stories

Embark on the hero's odyssey as we delve into the awe-inspiring stories of those who've surmounted seemingly insurmountable mental and physical challenges to unveil a richer tapestry of existence.

Gut Health

True healing commences within the gut, where trillions of microorganisms, collectively known as the microbiome reside. These tiny inhabitants not only shape our daily well-being but also wield a genetic influence surpassing the human genome by over 150 times.


For the past 15 years Iā€™ve searched for the highest quality products and services to optimize quality of life. There is something for everyone and this hand picked library covers Mind, Body, and Spirit.

In most cases a special discount code is provided.

When I make a recommendation, itā€™s something I use consistently, have benefited from.

This is the only physical body (hardware) we will ever have, and one Beautiful Brain (software) to send directions. In my experience, The investment is worth it.


Get started today before this once in a lifetime opportunity expires.