5 most dangerous Toxins in Consumer Products
Oct 04, 2022
Every day we're surrounded by dozens of products with dozens of ingredients that we know nothing about. Many of these ingredients are used by manufacturers to facilitate the production and storage of our products. But the reverse side of these benefits is not always favorable.
Every year, science learns more and more about the negative impact of our usual products and the toxins in them. In this list, we've compiled evidence-based studies on the most significant negative effects of the most common toxins in consumer products.
Here are the top 5.
Memorize them.
And always look at the label of what you use regularly!👀
1. Phthalates
What are Phthalates?
Phthalates are chemicals used in plastic production, that make plastic soft, flexible, and more durable.
Also, phthalates are used in personal care products to help dissolve other materials.
What products contain Phthalates?
Phthalates are one of the most common types of toxins in home. You can find phthalates in these types of products (but not in everyone):
- Personal Care products (soap, shampoo, hair spray, nail polish)
- Cosmetics
- Detergents
- Adhesives
- Shower curtains
- Lubricants
- Insecticides
- Food packaging
- Plastic toys from foreign counties (China)
- and others.
How to identify Phthalates in products?
Phthalates can be identified on labels by a state “contains phthalates” or these acronyms:
- DBP | MBP | MiBP
- BBP | MBzP
- DiDP
- DiNP
- DnHP
- DnOP
Why are Phthalates bad?
Epidemiological studies have shown a significant association between phthalates exposures and obesity, insulin resistance, type II diabetes, allergy, and asthma [1, 2, 3].
Phthalates can cause reproductive system problems, especially in newborns, by causing methylation of genes, which could be directly related to testosterone response, estrogen response, protein secretion, and spermatogenesis [3, 4, 5].
DEHP was significantly related to reproduction system problems: earlier menopause, pregnancy loss, preterm birth, and low birth weight [6].
A 2021 systematic review and meta-analysis concluded that some phthalates (MBzP and MiBP) were negatively associated with breast cancer among females [7].
How to avoid Phthalates?
Use “phthalate-free” products. Check the label on phthalates acronyms. Use non toxic makeup and avoid toxic cosmetics. Avoid products with type 3 plastic:
2. Bisphenol A (BPA)

What is Bisphenol A (BPA)?
Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical that is primarily used in plastic production.
What contains Bisphenol A?
Lots of different plastic and metal products, such as:
- water bottles and bottle tops
- plastic food containers
- metal food cans
- water pipes
- plastic cups and other kitchen plastics
- shatterproof windows
Why is Bisphenol A harmful?
Studies have shown that BPA can be leached from these products through contact with food and drink [8]. As a result, BPA is consumed on a regular basis by almost everyone.
BPA is a known endocrine disruptor. It mimics estrogen and estradiol, disrupting typical hormone function [8].
High levels of BPA are also associated with insulin resistance, obesity, and type 2 diabetes [9, 10, 11, 12].
Moreover, studies in animals have shown that BPA exposure leads to reproductive system problems and increases the future breast and prostate cancer risk of a developing fetus [13, 14, 15].
Bisphenol S (BPS) came to replace Bisphenol A when people discovered the toxicity of BPA. But it turns out that Bisphenol S can be even more toxic than its predecessor! [16]
How to avoid Bisphenol A?
Ensure that your foods and their packages are BPA & BPS-free. Avoid plastic packaging and don’t heat plastic containers in the microwave!
3. Fluoride
What is Fluoride? Where it is found?
Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that is found in water, soil, and air, and is also used in large concentrations in many dental products, especially toothpaste.
Fluoride is now used in the public drinking water supplied to about 3 out of 4 Americans. Starting in 1962, the United States Public Health Service (PHS) recommended that public water supplies contain fluoride to help prevent tooth decay [43].
Natural drinking water sources in the US also have some fluoride in them, although the levels are much higher in some places than in others.
Why avoid Fluoride in toothpaste?
There is a tiny area in our brain (only 150 mg), called the pineal gland.
The pineal gland produces the hormone melatonin. Melatonin is responsible for healthy deep restorative sleep. In addition, melatonin has a strong antioxidant activity and directly affects the aging and rejuvenation processes. Therefore, melatonin belongs to the group of ‘hormones of youth’.
The pineal gland has an extremely high sensitivity to fluoride – there is about 300 times more fluoride in the pineal gland than in other soft tissues of the body! [17, 28]
Several human [18, 19] and animal [21, 22, 23, 24] studies investigated fluoride’s impact on health. They have shown that fluoride levels in water and the environment are associated with the pineal gland’s health problems, sleep quality, and antioxidant activity.
The more fluoride — the fewer cells in the pineal gland [21], the worse sleep [18, 19], and the weaker antioxidant protection [22, 23, 24].
WHAT’S EVEN MORE, is that Fluoride significantly lowers children’s intelligence levels!
The 2018 summary results of 26 studies on 7258 children indicated that ‘High water fluoride exposure is significantly associated with a reduced level of intelligence…High fluoride content in drinking water could affect the intellectual development of children.’ [25]
How to remove Fluoride from water?
Use a reverse osmosis filtration system for your tap water, especially if you drink it and if you live in some regions with high amounts of Fluoride in groundwater.
4. Oxybenzone
What is Oxybenzone?
Oxybenzone is an organic molecule used in sunscreens. It blocks ultraviolet (UV) rays, by slowing skin absorption of UVA and UVB wavelengths of light.
Other names for oxybenzone are benzophenone-3 or BP-3, and trade names Milestab 9, Eusolex 4360, Escalol 567, and KAHSCREEN BZ-3 [29].
What products contain oxybenzone?
Oxybenzone is found mainly in sunscreens, as well as in some nail polishes, lipsticks, and lotions. Here you can see the list of products that contain oxybenzone (and here is baby sunscreens).
Why is Oxybenzone bad?
Oxybenzone is easily absorbed through the skin [30]. Nearly 97% of people have oxybenzone present in their urine [31]!
Oxybenzone is a hormone disruptor [32, 33], especially for children and fetuses. It can significantly lower testosterone (men's hormone) levels in adolescent boys and increase testosterone levels in adolescent girls [34]!
Oxybenzone can increase the risk of endometriosis [35, 36] and breast cancer [37] in women.
How to avoid Oxybenzone?
Avoid all the products that contain it. Pay more attention to the sunscreens you use. Here you can see the list of products that contain oxybenzone (and here is baby sunscreens).
5. 1,4 Dioxane (or just Dioxane)
What is Dioxane?
Dioxane is a toxic by-product occurring in small amounts in personal care products, cosmetics, and cleaners. It has also contaminated tap water of nearly 7 million US people in 27 states [38].
Synonyms of dioxane include dioxan, p-dioxane, diethylene oxide, diethylene dioxide, diethylene ether, and glycol ethylene ether.
Why is Dioxane bad?
1,4 Dioxane is a well-known carcinogen [39, 40, 41] and environmental pollutant [38]. Here is the US map of tap water which is highly contaminated with Dioxane. And this problem is not unique to the United States. Due to the constant release of household chemicals into wastewater, dioxane levels in groundwater are extremely high. Lifelong exposure to 0.35 parts per billion of 1,4-dioxane in drinking water represents a 1-in-a-million cancer risk. In some US regions, dioxane levels are much higher – up to 9 parts per billion, and even 77 ppb in Alaska [41, page 4].
Moreover, some personal care products contain up to 10 000 ppb of dioxane! And the permanent use of them is not a good idea
What products contain Dioxane?
The vast majority of personal care products, cosmetics, and cleaners contain dioxane. Shampoos, soaps, dish soaps, body washes, shower gels, laundry detergents, and others. In most of them, dioxane is in low doses. But some products contain very high amounts of dioxane. Here is the list.
How to avoid Dioxane in water?
Don’t drink tap water. Or use quality Reverse Osmosis Filters.
Interested in this topic?
- In the previous article, we covered the 13 most dangerous Toxins and Heavy Metals in Food🍔.
- And the next one will be about how to detox your body from toxins!
🔥 Here you can find product codes with discounts up to $120 for some amazing products that can help you remove toxins from body and stay healthy!
- Sauna Space (5% Off)
- Therasage Sauna (10% Off)
- AMD FootBath (Free One-On-One Toxicity Consult)
- Upgrade Formulas (Save 10%)
- CellCore Supplements (Free Consult)
- Dry Farm Wines (Extra bottle for 1 Penny)
- Litewater (10% Off)
- AmpCoil ($99 Off)
⭐ And here are some interesting Beautifully Broken Podcast Episodes related to this topic:
- #17 Dr. Ann Shippy - Is toxic mold your kryptonite (Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Stitcher | Spotify)
- #20 Biological Dentistry, Biohacking and Breathing with Gene Sambataro (Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Stitcher | Spotify)
- #39 5th Generation Internet: Beautiful or Utterly Broken (Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Stitcher | Spotify)
- #43 Forest Fire, 5G, and local Government with Reinette Senum (Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Stitcher | Spotify)
- #51 The Rogue Map with Tyler Lewis (Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Stitcher | Spotify)
- #63 Toxic with Dr. Neil Nathan (Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Stitcher | Spotify)
- #118 LIVE in Las Vegas with The Biohacking Besties (Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Stitcher | Spotify)
- #121 Toxic Mold, Genetics, and Testing (Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Stitcher | Spotify)
- #129 Environmental Toxicity, Diagnostic Testing, and the Rain Barrel Effect with Dr. Stephen Cabral (Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Stitcher | Spotify)
This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.